Thursday 14 March 2013

Thoughts on GT Training

The GT training that I had was really fun. I also had a team of supportive team members, like Li Qi, Liquan and Clarissa, who never fail to give me valuable feedbacks to so that I can do well on the actual presentation.

Although my actual presentation was average, I was still a bit disappointed with the marks that I got. One major component that had pulled my score down was the content. In fact, I thought this was supposed to be a group marks. Nevertheless, I would work on all the areas that was highlighted to me in the upcoming FOP presentation.

Here are some of the key areas highlighted by the class on my presentation:

- Enthusiasm

- Pacing can be a bit slower
- Should have taken more care in understanding the context and the environment (In this case,informality is a no-go and the volume could have been a bit softer given that the presentation was in a small room)

Once again, I would like to thank my team for making this GT project a wonderful and enjoyable experience! Thank you :)


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Thank you, Qi Long, on the positive reflection. I'm certain the GT was a great learning expereince for you. I look forward to your FOP.

  3. Now that I have seen your FOP, your reflection in this post resonates even more deeply. You clearly embraced the feedback from the GT, addressed the weaknesses and made changes, and delivered a very fine FOP. The value of reflecting is precisely that: It allows us to review what we have done and to reposition our approach. In your case that meant mellowing your pace, more evenly distributing eye contact and being more deliberate in enunciating. You also had clearly organized your content, which was well internalized. You then made a highly convincing presentation. Thanks again for your great effort!
