Sunday 17 February 2013

Framework of the report


I did a general framework for my report and this is how it goes...

Framework of the report

·         PPQ


-          Employers complaining that NUS graduates do not write well.


-          To convince NUS to take up suggested programmes that aim to improve their written communication before they enter into the workforce


-          What types of reports are students often required to produce in the workplace?

-          Which aspects of written communication are students particularly weak at?

-          What are the weaknesses in the current writing classes offered in NUS?

o   How are the courses / modules (in general), which are currently in place, able to facilitate the development of writing skills?

o   What is the level of feedback that NUS students are receiving at the moment?

-          How are the suggested programmes able to improve students’ written communication?


·         Layout of the report

-          Introduction

o   Brief overview of the situation

o   PPQ, Scope, Limitations, Sources and Methods

-          Findings

o   Interpretation of the data found

-          Conclusions

o   Explanations for the findings

-          Recommendations

o   Introducing the various suggested programmes that we have created

-          Overall Conclusion

1 comment:

  1. Hi Qi long,
    For your Question part "What types of reports are students often required to produce in the workplace",I think it will be better if you can include other aspects such as email writing, Letter writing and proposal writing.
